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zebrawithflowers t1_ixeprxk wrote

Are you willing to share the names of nearby streets? I ask because I live about a half mile away, and we hear more from RIC and LaSalle than Mount Pleasant.

In most cases, any sporting event noise is over fairly early and it's mostly announcements and cheering.


fiddleleaffigtree__ t1_ixeqkm1 wrote

Sure! Thanks for asking. Nearby cross streets are Ortoleva Drive, Imera Street, and Hillcrest Ave.

We were particularly worried about football games at night, so it's good to hear that they tend to finish up fairly early. We see there is a game tomorrow night, so we're planning to check the area out while it's going on.


Hdale803 t1_ixevvof wrote

I used to live a couple streets down and the noise is minimal. Traffic is always meh due to Chalkstone being…Chalkstone


fiddleleaffigtree__ t1_ixf98gb wrote

I'm back after commuting and running an errand -- thank you. It's helpful to hear the noise is minimal. I had a feeling Chalkstone might be a busier street from looking via Street View on Google Maps so it's help to hear that traffic is "meh", too.


zebrawithflowers t1_ixgwzs5 wrote

You'll likely hear more from your neighbors than from Conley Stadium. Ortoleva is a little bit of a cut-through street, but it's not high speed from what I can tell. It's not fancy, but it's a fine neighborhood.