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401jamin t1_ixun6wl wrote

Leave no bags in sight. They smash windows take the bags open them down the street and dump what they don’t want. My window was smashed a couple years back in front of wild colonial took a backpack with a pair of shoes in it. Now I hide everything


radioflea t1_ixvhxbq wrote

This! Years ago I purchased fabric that matches my interior so if I have to leave something in my car it meshes in and becomes undetectable.


ryeyun t1_ixvljjg wrote

This because thieves don't know what's in the bag. Could be clothes or a laptop for all they know.

Also make sure no one is around when you hide things in your car. I hid all my shit when I went running on Blackstone Boulevard a couple of years ago and still had my car broken into. I suspect the thieves might have seen me while I was hiding stuff because nothing was visible from outside the car. My phone and wallet was stolen but I actually managed to find the phone... in a trash bin further up the Boulevard.

I linked my phone's location to my Google account, and luckily my phone was still powered on.