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FunLife64 t1_ixwqm62 wrote

Everywhere along 95 is expensive. It’s not PVD. And none of those places have “great” weather. If you don’t like it you can leave but there’s a reason why New England has always been a desirable place to live.


[deleted] OP t1_ixwrcb0 wrote

Why are you so abrasive with this comment? I said the infrastructure in RI doesn’t match the cost to live here. I said I didn’t like the weather. One is a fact, the other is an admitted opinion. I also said I am leaving.

Like, what’s your point? I’m not talking about things being expensive. I’m saying I don’t personally feel as if I’m getting my “money’s worth.” If you do, good for you. My leaving should make it easier to afford and someone else can have my space.


FunLife64 t1_ixwuc9r wrote

Not everyone is the same. If the weather is your most important thing and you don’t like it…then don’t live here?

No reason to go complaining about places that a basic Google search may inform you is not what you’re looking for. You don’t need to put down the city because of it.


[deleted] OP t1_ixwz6rd wrote

What are you talking about? I’ve lived here for 5 years? I have already said I’m… moving… because it’s not for me.

I’m sorry my comments have offended you. Have a good evening.