Submitted by OnPointDom t3_z6tnzm in providence

Hi, new to Reddit. Kinda new to Povidence. Single man, no kids. 55 yo, straight.Where are places to go dance, socialize or mingle with good folks that are a bit older. I assume that most clubs are filled with 20-somethings (which is fine), but they might think me out of place. Where do 30's and 40s go for example.

I'm not from here, and could use some friends or dates. These apps seem filled with scammers, or photoshopped picture, etc. i prefer things more organic and old school.



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librarymagic t1_iy3c3mx wrote

It would help if you picked up a hobby or joined some sort of club? For example take a dance class once a week, meet people who dance, get invited out dancing/drinks after/etc


OnPointDom OP t1_iy3cccs wrote

thanks. i actually live 30 mns east of providence, but not much happening here. so, its an hour round-trip to go toprovidence, but i dont mind. but, i thought there must be someplace where people go thar are a bit older. i'm no much of a drinker but want to socialize more.


OnPointDom OP t1_iy3clm0 wrote

lol.. thanks. im not that old. lodge? :) i am athletic and happy... but where do people in 30s and 40s go? no venues cater to that demographic? i see a couple suggestions above.


Cute_Sprinkles_2625 t1_iy3efsy wrote

I'm not sure this is exactly what you're looking for as it's not a night club, but Providence Swings is great (in Pawtucket). Solid range of ages represented, they're excellent at teaching swing dancing, you rotate partners so even if you came with someone you meet people, and they host social events after lessons/regularly.


[deleted] t1_iy3fi7c wrote

From what little I know, it used to be much harder to join one. A person would have to know 3 languages or have done some academic achievement that is comparable. They are clubs for people who want to improve themselves, or just hang out and have a beer.

Most likely not your cup of tea, just posting to show they are out there.

If you’re curious, it was this show that got me interested in lodges.

I noticed someone posted something about social clubs, I guess they could be the same thing as a club or lodge?


hollibomb t1_iy3hxs7 wrote

Not providence, but, theres a bar called the last resort in smithfield and there is usually an older crowd there. they always have live bands. good food and beer of course. good luck!


Smacknab t1_iy3k5jr wrote

133 club seemed to be an older crowd last time I popped my head in. Definitely more of a bar but they have live music and pool tables.

edit: I just wanted to add since you're not much of a drinker you could try an art class at the Steel yard or one of the clay studios, or check for a group that lines up with your interests.


Artistic_Note924 t1_iy3mw8u wrote

Field House pub in East Providence. Live music and dancing


Dinosquid t1_iy3z11z wrote

Gregg’s at lunchtime.


nodumbunny t1_iy41fb9 wrote

This is near you. Don't dismiss it, lots if friendships and couples have formed contra dancing and it is super fun, live music, high energy and great exercise. No alcohol. No partner or experience needed. I am your age and I promise you this is not square dancing like we were forced to do in Junior High gym class. DM me if you want more info.


OpticalFlatulence t1_iy42q3h wrote

I came here to say Cozy Rhody Litter Cleanup Group, we have a subreddit at r/cozyrhody.

We are a social group with a weird trash clean up habit. Or a trash cleanup group that is also a bit social. Or a nonprofit that is working on our messaging. Either way, you'll meet good people of various ages, and you'll do some good work, too!

We have a cleanup on December 3rd if you're interested!


Greenlllama t1_iy47bwv wrote

Muldowneys is decent in downtown.


nixiedust t1_iy4dj4z wrote

VERY old regressively so, it seems. Guess the personal ad route didn't work out for ya.

>> Nothing is sexier and more God connected than a traditional relationship . it is too bad that there is not more interest in this subreddit. I am a single, cleancut, traditional type man.. would like to find a trad wife or submissive woman / girl ... Domestic Discipline, HOH, TIH, 1950s style..


pvdcaveman t1_iy56lsk wrote

Since you’re new here, you may not realize that this is a joke. It’s like like saying that you’ll find what you’re looking for at the senior center. No one under the age of 70 at Gregg’s at lunchtime.


Dangerous_Public_164 t1_iy5bcxx wrote

and unsurprisingly, not interested at all in meeting people his own age but preferably 25 years younger...

certain types of men are just alarmingly consistent in the ways they fall short.

OP my man the apps are filled with scammers for you because you are exactly the sort of person they're looking for and they've made profiles designed to entice you, specifically (and they clearly are succeeding). I'm not gonna explain why I think that is but you should definitely put some thought of your own into it.


kickstand t1_iy5ss8i wrote

Events at the Athenaeum.


OnPointDom OP t1_iy6cvra wrote

Well I’m in my mid 50s. I sure don’t feel it. I drove 8200 miles in Europe in the last 14 months. And I walked about 800 miles in Europe during that period also. In addition to working a full-time job here and a side business. Im a very active man. It’d be nice to meet some fun nice people. But I’m not much of a drinker. And I’m a bit busy. so I appreciate the recommendations.

Nice to meet you all. 😊


zen_mctunamelt t1_iy8xfef wrote

I’m kinda shocked no one mentioned the Hot Club. They open at noon religiously and host a varied cross section of ages and interests. I’ve met life long friends there.


zen_mctunamelt t1_iy8xhub wrote

I’m kinda shocked no one mentioned the Hot Club. They open at noon religiously and host a varied cross section of ages and interests. I’ve met life long friends there.


zen_mctunamelt t1_iy8xreg wrote

I’m kinda shocked no one mentioned the Hot Club. They open at noon religiously and host a varied cross section of ages and interests. I’ve met life long friends there.