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Proof-Variation7005 t1_izgdr1p wrote

I've made like 2, maybe 3 total posts in 2+ years......I'm not sure how that's comparable to a previously banned account post every single crime story that happens in the city even when there's little no discussion value.

The only change to his game is he usually doesn't include something racist right away.


Previous_Floor OP t1_izgsllk wrote

>a previously banned account

More lies. If you continue, you'll be reported.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_izgsy5u wrote

you're slipping. 3 months ago, you would've feigned outrage at me assuming your gender, because it's all a big joke.



littylikeatit t1_izgfke4 wrote

I am not up to date on subreddit characters and lore but I see this is his only post. I get why certain crime posts could be considered spam, but this is a serious crime in the heart of downtown. I don’t think there’s any logical reason for it not to belong here.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_izhh2ep wrote

Oh, he deletes them after a day or two. There’s been 3-7 posts a week in here and RI sub every week for months. Almost always low engagement.

Check the post karma if you doubt it.