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rustybullrake t1_j080fde wrote

>Already, the photos taken by Flock’s ALPR cameras capture more than just license plates; the photos are used to create what the company calls a searchable "Vehicle Fingerprint."

>Using a "proprietary machine learning algorithm," the company says, it gathers "vehicle make, type, color, license plate, state of the license plate, covered plates, missing plates, and unique features like roof racks and bumper stickers."

>Presumably that would allow searches for all vehicles that include a particular political bumper sticker, enabling people to be targeted based on the exercise of their First Amendment-protected free expression rights.


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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j08thrv wrote

I'm picturing a cop who gets made fun of by a car that drives past him when he's on foot. He can't get the plate but he does remember a few features so he goes searching for a Toyota Prius with an "I tomato my local farmer" sticker, a faded Obama 2012 sticker, and a the Coexist religious symbol sticker. He hits enter on his search, gleefully awaing his result so he knows who he can hassle later but then the look of joy turns to horror as he pulls up 15,356 results that match his search.


grem111 t1_j0bt3a7 wrote

Lol i appreciate you finding the silver lining here