Submitted by gooberhoover85 t3_zmwymu in providence

Seriously. I've made so many calls. I feel pretty beat down by how impossible it seems to be to get in to see a doctor. I have good insurance but I can't get referrals or tests unless I get a PCP to see me. Should I look in MA instead? What's the secret? Tell me please!



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FlashbackBob t1_j0eoam6 wrote

I found one by calling blue cross and asking them if any pcps under my insurance were accepting patients. Blue cross web site was outdated, when I used that list online, I got rejections as they were no longer accepting new patients.


mdurg68 t1_j0evbuu wrote

Ugh, this has been on my to do list for 3 years, I got to get on this.


AmazingTast t1_j0dp7bz wrote

I found one in Mass. Tristan Medical. Is in North Attleboro. They are accepting patients. I spent a month looking in RI and then gave up and chose the first place to say yes when I asked to be a patient.


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dq6e6 wrote

Awesome, thanks for sharing this info! I'm sorry you went through a similar experience. It's after 5pm so most places are calling but I'm giving this a shot tomorrow. Do you mind me asking how you've liked this place so far?


AmazingTast t1_j0dr8oh wrote

They are fast and thorough. I am diabetic, so I have bi-monthly appointments. They are open until 8pm. Most of my appointments are after 5pm. I like them. (Edit a word)


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0e0mmx wrote

I just spoke with someone on the phone and they were great. I have to get my previous doctor to send medical records but sounds like once that is done I can get an appointment. Seems reasonable to me. Thanks again.


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0drf2m wrote

Oh good to know! Thanks again for sharing. First time I've felt optimistic all day about this.


rambutton t1_j0dxe6z wrote

Ocean state medical, they’re very efficient with their process


EtAvec t1_j0dnwwu wrote

In the same boat. Advice I’ve heard is if you go into the ER then you can get a PCP that way because they’ll sign you up on the spot if you don’t have one. Seems to work for people, even though it’s kind of messed up you have to do it that way.


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dra1k wrote

That's what several places told me to do but I find that really problematic. I think that would be my last resort but it's good to know if I get desperate. I'm starting to have medical issues and I can actually see it getting to a point that I need to go to the ER anyway. Thanks for sharing this info.


Shibby-Pibby t1_j0ebcx3 wrote

Do you have to actually wait around in the ER?


Syncope7 t1_j0f0qo6 wrote

Yes. You’ll have to wait the longest, too. Since the EMERGENCY room is for EMERGENCIES.


vololov t1_j0edwfs wrote

When you do find one it will be a wait before you get a visit too, if I had to guess.
I found a PCP in early January of this year and the first available visit was for the end of June.


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ella2 wrote

That's insane. My health honestly can't wait that long but I really appreciate you helping me set some realistic expectations. And I'm very sorry you had to go through that.


vololov t1_j0f8a4e wrote

Well thank you kindly. Hopefully you find a PCP soon and don't have to wait like that! Best of luck.


WeAreNotNowThatWhich t1_j0e70s0 wrote

Zocdoc has been really helpful to me in the past. They sort by “accepting patients”


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0eci0b wrote

Awesome. I wish they all did that!


WeAreNotNowThatWhich t1_j0egnys wrote

Wait I’m not sure I understand your reply. Maybe I didn’t provide enough context? Zocdoc is a doctor aggregating website that lets you search by the type of dr you need. I hope this clears things up!


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ejfp4 wrote

Oh, got it. Either way it's on my research list. I have a toddler so when I responded it's totally possibly I got side tracked by dinner, bath time, and pajama party time 😂 all the same that is very useful.


TheHappyPhoenix t1_j0e21ae wrote

Try Village Medical. They are accepting new patients


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0eckbf wrote

Thanks for the tip. I'm making a list of all the places mentioned here and this is on the list now too.


nbreadcrumb t1_j0e8lx9 wrote

Sara Kent PA on Jefferson Blvd takes a new patient every month - I would try her. She’s part of Brown medical and she’s great!


Business-Impress4792 t1_j0dq2um wrote

I would look through your insurance account! I know for me (BCBS) I was able to go on their website and specifically search for primary care doctors taking new patients


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dqn34 wrote

I actually have done this. I've called through 8+ pages of doctors listed as "PCP" and hunting down the correct numbers. I have BCBS too and their list of PCPs seems to be really out of date. It's killing me. I called BCBS and they sent me a PDF of the same list. Most of the numbers are wrong. I'm entering my zip code so maybe that's the problem. I'm surprised it worked so well for you. Possible we have different coverage so maybe that's it? We have BCBS through a company out of Boston.


Business-Impress4792 t1_j0e2pxx wrote

Sorry it’s been such a hassle for you :/ it shouldn’t be so hard to get healthcare


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ecg6s wrote

Thank you, I agree. I'm imagining it wasn't always like this. It's probably just rotten luck that I'm having to do this search now.


ynwp t1_j0dv4qc wrote

CCAP is accepting patients, I think.


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0dvijv wrote

Sorry, when I Google 'CCAP Providence RI' I get Child Care Assistance Program. Not sure I am familiar with what CCAP is.


linabelle88 t1_j0ggya1 wrote

I went to South county health express two weeks ago for a strep test, while there the receptionist noticed I didn’t have a pcp and told me they had one accepting new patients right now, so I booked an appointment for February. Very happy about that, since I have also been experiencing no luck finding one. Give them a call!


Doctor_Quest t1_j0dz3vj wrote



gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0e0fma wrote

It sounds like a fancy name for farts but I'll Google it cause I'm desperate 😂


Doctor_Quest t1_j0e0shy wrote

I went without a primary for like 3 years and they got me in to see a doctor in like a month and theyve been great the past year


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0e17v3 wrote

That's about how long it's been for me because of pregnancy and moving. It's great to hear how this worked out for you. I appreciate the recommendation. I will check it out.


DanMarinosDolphins t1_j0en6tp wrote

Do not go there. They almost killed me. Prescribed me medication I was allergic to and gaslit me when I constantly said I felt ill. They also gaslit me about my iud pain and it turns out it was embedded in my uterus. I now have chronic pelvic pain. I could go on, but they're horrific. I have an emt friend who called them a "chop shop". Try open door health. They're accepting patients.


Doctor_Quest t1_j0eomef wrote

It's unfortunate you went thru that, but not every doctor there is terrible


shitpresidente t1_j0eeh56 wrote

First look at hospital systems - you can find doctors faster through them


golden_-nug t1_j0ekolt wrote

Recently got in at midland medical in Warwick


LucidBewilderment t1_j0epm0t wrote

My partner got an amazing PCP at providence community health center recently after going through a very similar slog! They have a sliding scale for those without insurance, too, though I’m glad to hear this isn’t a constraint for you!


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0er2lz wrote

Thanks! I actually got on a wait-list there. So I'm hoping when I call back they can get me in. I explained my health issue to them so they know it's kind of urgent for me and they seemed really nice.


GoGatorsMashedTaters t1_j0ergox wrote

I found mine through the Lifespan network. It has taken me well over a year to finally get one booked…in March.


imtherhoda76 t1_j0f43x5 wrote

South County Medical recently opened offices in Warwick and Cranston. I go to Warwick and really like them!


Lifeis-butadream t1_j0fmkvs wrote

Southcoast Primary Care (Swansea and probably other locations)


waverly76 t1_j0g3dra wrote

For me, the secret was getting a nurse instead of a doctor. I’m pretty healthy, so only need physicals, vaccinations, and a couple of prescriptions. My nurse does all of those things. She also does referrals in case I need a specialist.


dantronZ t1_j0g4hxh wrote

Took me a while too but I found Dr. Maggiocomo in Cranston


Secret-Image-6607 t1_j0gx960 wrote

I called Care New England and they connected me and my husband to a PCP. It was a 6 month waitlist though but since then we’ve been able to see specialists pretty quickly after. I also made it pretty clear that I wanted to be seen at Womens and Infants so I was okay with the wait.

Good luck!


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ho090 wrote

I'd love to be seen at Women's & Infants. I'll check that out. And I'm totally ok with being on a wait-list. The 6 months wait is kind of bonkers but I'm still going to check it out. Thanks!!


Secret-Image-6607 t1_j0hr6vy wrote

Unfortunately this is happening nationwide so if you can wait for your physical, I’d just get on a waitlist for now for your preferred provider instead of the quickest provider


huh_phd t1_j0gy7ts wrote

Try thundermist health center. It's not the best place but they have lots of doctors (and helpers like DOs and PAs) so you could likely be seen in some reasonable amount of time


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0hnkkq wrote

Thanks, the reasonable amount of time part is key*.


huh_phd t1_j0hnz12 wrote

If for OBGYN avoid at all costs. My wife was SA'd there


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0ho96g wrote

Oh gosh, I'm really sorry she went through that. When I was in the Army I was SAed during a pap smear myself so my heart really goes out to your wife. Definitely a hard no to any gynecologic stuff there. Thanks for the heads up.


huh_phd t1_j0hohh9 wrote

They decided a cervical biopsy was needed. She said no and they did it anyway. I'm a doctor myself and I'm outraged. That provider is in jail now but still


gooberhoover85 OP t1_j0hozr9 wrote

That's really fucked up. I also can't stress enough how sensitive the cervix is. For someone to do that is the worst. Glad they are in jail. Hope your wife is doing better now.


huh_phd t1_j0hp6j1 wrote

She's great and I just handle that stuff for her. No means no and it's a complete sentence. However their convenient care js great