Submitted by martywalshhealthgoth t3_zp5vo2 in providence

Does anyone know of any good veterinary orthopedic surgeons/clinics in RI/Southern MA? We adopted a German Shepard/Pitty mix puppy in September and just had her checked out for possible hip dysplasia, turns out her entire hip may be broken. Trying to get a second opinion before we drop $10k on a full replacement procedure, but my Google searches aren’t coming up with much.



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FieryVegetables t1_j0r0jnq wrote

I wonder if Dave Clark is still operating. He used to be The Man. He would visit practices to do his surgery there, and he worked on my dog… but it was a long time ago.


shoop_it12 t1_j0rewm7 wrote

I second Dave Clark. He repaired one of my dog's legs, maybe 8-9 years ago. If he's still operating, I wouldn't trust anyone else.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j0r0nng wrote

I’d make a call to Boston (tufts or Angell).


martywalshhealthgoth OP t1_j0r16s6 wrote

Actually just left a message for the Tufts Ortho department up at the vet school in Grafton, but I’ll try Boston. Thanks!


geekgirl717 t1_j0rlxf9 wrote

Warren Animal Hospital? I have heard good things about Dr. Mello.


salixarenaria t1_j0vxpjj wrote

I third Dave Clark! Our regular vet is Eastside Vet Clinic and he’s the practicing ortho surgeon they schedule with. He repaired our girl’s ACL in late 2019 and had such good bedside manner with our anxious dog that I kind of wish he had done my surgery, lol.


Levalore t1_j128nf0 wrote

Our dog had to have knee surgery over the summer. Our vet recommended ocean state and bay state vet hospitals, but ocean state had a 3 month wait for a consultation and the Ortho at bay state was out on medical. We ended up at New England Animal Medical Center in West Bridgewater. Our dog is doing well now.

I'd also recommend getting on a wait list ASAP for PT as soon as you know you you'll need it. It was a 4+ month wait list for hydrotherapy at Healing Paws (we ended up buying a small pool and walking her in it 2x per week).