Submitted by BlushesandGushes t3_zvu5kx in providence

I recently moved to Providence, and also love to dance my ass off. Obviously Fri and Sat you can dance at many places. My question to you is, where can you dance the other nights? In particular, I enjoy tradional top 40, but other forms as well. 5 rhythms, ecstatic dance, and am also open to learning other styles.

Here is what I know:

Sunday- Hyde Speakeasy has house music (although I have yet to attend) Wed- Alchemy has kink night

What do you know about that I can add to flushing out this list?



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Environmental_Dog665 t1_j1rury1 wrote

If you want to dance every night, go for it. No one in PVD will care. In fact, some may join you.

If you want to dance in a CLUB every night of the week…well…that’s going to be a taller order.

You could open your own place…!


bpear t1_j1rvnay wrote

Thursday - sex on decks at the parlour


Matt50538 t1_j1t0qjt wrote

@pvdgcal on instagram posts fliers for all the bars/clubs should help a lot