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_-Unbeliever-_ t1_j1uke5w wrote

East Providence offers a drop-off location.

Closed until spring.


mrbgso t1_j1umxne wrote

Along with the free community drop offs, Bootstrap Compost will pick up from your house (you pick the amount and frequency) for a fee, and then return composted soil during the growing season


kbd77 t1_j1us51b wrote

Urban Greens has compost bins, but you have to be a member to use them (though it’s really not enforced).


JeffFromNH t1_j1ut88k wrote

The Compost Depot at Frey Gardens serves Elmhurst and Smith Hill neighborhoods. They don't do home collections, but they have set up a collection bin during farmers markets, at least in the past.

I do my own backyard composting, which I would recommend if you have the space. Use a compost bin and just do veggie and plant composting. Mine has a lot of coffee grinds, too. It's pretty easy.


masshole_mom t1_j1v7m56 wrote

Farm Fresh RI (10 Sims Ave) has a free compost drop off bin outside their building during their farmers market on Saturdays. I've been dropping off my scraps there for over a year now.


kbd77 t1_j1vbkbc wrote

I find the membership worth it if you’re planning to live here for years to come, it’s like $150 for life and you get two 5% off deals per month + compost access. Worth looking into if that’s your thing!


PurinaHall0fFame t1_j1w0czw wrote

They don't service Providence at the moment, but if you're in Bristol, Portsmouth, Middleton, Newport, JAmestown, E/W Greenwich, N/S Kingston, Wakefield, Narragansett, Westerly, etc, check out


bbristow6 t1_j1x2qzm wrote

Check out Harvest Cycle Compost! Collection all by bike


useless_wombat t1_j1z51vb wrote

I've used a few now trying them out. Highly highly recommend Harvest Cycle, they are always on time and in terms of sustainability they do a lot of good things, plus are biking around so no fossil fuels unlike the others who use trucks. They also have a dropoff location in federal hill you can bring it to if needed

DO NOT go with Bootstrap. They frequently miss pickups, will go multiple windows and only pickup once and charge for every time. They are also very difficult to communicate with, and aggressive when you speak with them.