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Aeronaute t1_j1v0jfb wrote

This is in keeping with the Ocean State theme. Marine navigation buoys are red and green, and you stay between them to stay in the channel. In this configuration, you're clearly leaving the city, since red is on your left, and the alliterative memory aid "Red Right Returning," tells you to keep the red on the right side when coming into port.


chip008 t1_j1v0bx4 wrote

I used to live in that neighborhood. That bridge has been under construction for a while, and that intersection has been annoying ever since. It’ll be wonderful when it’s is finished! What a great way to make the Smith Hill neighborhood feel truly connected with downtown!


Educational_Leg36 t1_j1w4ule wrote

It follows the state tourism theme lol

Cool warm

Red green


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_j1v7v52 wrote

How do you walk...?


zebrawithflowers t1_j1whyz4 wrote

Luckily there's a sidewalk on the right. You have to maneuver around the barriers to get there, though.

There's no walk sign on this side of the intersection, though, so it's a bit like Frogger.


delta_cephei t1_j1wm403 wrote

With an extra fuck you and good luck if you're in a wheelchair.


radarmy t1_j1vwsen wrote

Merry Christmas!


Competitive-Ad-5153 t1_j1x4nmb wrote

Saw this Sunday afternoon. I just went by the right signal, since I figured the left one had been turned by the wind. PLUS the traffic from the left side of the intersection kept going through the intersection,😆


FieryVegetables t1_j1v0jz6 wrote

Should I stay or should I go now?


SausageSmuggler21 t1_j1veisx wrote

If you stay, there'll be trouble.


readingbabe t1_j1vykzw wrote

I would be dying if I was the first car at this light now knowing to stop or go lol


Crychair t1_j1v0a6v wrote

Take a right it's the safest play


kannnnngggggggg t1_j1v8h06 wrote

Maybe it represents that you can not turn left there, even though there are signs posted and the road is blocked off. I know that intersection and that left lane is meant for turning.


Proclaimer23 OP t1_j1vg1jq wrote

It seemed to me that the alignment on the left traffic light was out of whack, assuming wind or something like that. There’s no reason for there to be a light facing to the right in this picture, as it’s a one way in the opposite direction.


XJadaxBaby69X t1_j1yqzau wrote

Rocks paper scissors winner picks green GOOOOOO


FriarCeltEDubs t1_j1yyrlp wrote

But your Honor they got mad lights over there.


V0nH30n t1_j1wimuz wrote

Providence be like


tinkflowers t1_j1zlp21 wrote

Recently moved to SWFL and ever since hurricane Ian lots of lights are super wonky. I came to a near full stop the other morning at a green light by accident because there was a red one next to it 😂


tads73 t1_j1v9ku6 wrote

Treat it as a stop sign


ride5k t1_j1yrndz wrote

well clearly you floor it and speed through.


Livtern t1_j22hdm4 wrote

To go or not to go, that is the question.