Submitted by monraxx t3_zxlf89 in providence

Hello people of Providence, I’m a foreigner student, I applied to work and travel in the US. I want your opinion regarding a job offer as a kitchen assistant in a 3-star hotel in downtown for 13$ per hour, housing will be in the same hotel for 150$ a week, with the possibility of finding a second job also. Is this a good offer, will I be able to cover expenses such as eating, and activities in weekends, and save money to travel inside the US for after I finish the exchange program.



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sticksnsnails t1_j20y2rj wrote

600 a month is not bad for rent, that’s about what you would get elsewhere in providence.


Business-Impress4792 t1_j212rq5 wrote

Considering you won’t have to pay for any utilities at the hotel, that might be a good deal. A second job would probably be needed for saving more money though


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j21531t wrote

I'm teeny bit wary of that since the pay doesn't sound great and I'd hate the idea of tying your housing situation to your employment. Even if you do have enough free time to work another job and you find one that pays better or you like more, are they going to honor that when it's your scheduled time off and a couple of people call out sick and they're short-staffed? Or what about if it's just your regular time off and you want to do something other than work?

$650ish a month is on the low end of rent if you were finding a roommate and lucking out a little. Getting that without utilities is great if you don't have to share the room, but the arrangement seems like a problem waiting to happen.


StarKickMeadowDancer t1_j21e7ht wrote

Are they offering the housing as optional? Or is the housing compulsory? Would you be sharing a room at the hotel? Or have one of your own? When your job is also your landlord, sometimes those situations can become a trap.. there could also be hidden fees in the contract. Be sure to read everything closely and keep your passport safe. Don’t let them keep your passport. Good luck!!!


Keeks2021Moderna t1_j21ewhj wrote

Don’t forget that $13/hour will have some tax deducted from it, but the housing option should help with the accommodation issues along the way - as long as you keep working for the same hotel. This salary would probably be enough for eating and weekend activities, but I doubt you could save enough for traveling around US.

Serving job with tips would probably better if you’re thinking of making a lot of $$$$


ProvBroker t1_j21gnif wrote

Which hotel? That’s a great rate for a room, especially if it’s not conventional term!


jeffscomplec t1_j21jff4 wrote

If you work 50 hours a week your net pay ahogos be about $450. So I’d say you could get by. I’d get something in writing before relocating though.


Mrmojorisincg t1_j21nkwe wrote

Feel free to dm the hotel and I can let you know if its sketchy, as I know why you wouldn’t want to post it.

On one hand that rent is absurdly cheap considering that the shittiest one bed apartment you may find in a horrible area will be like minimum $1,300 a month with utilities.

On the other hand $13 if you work 40 hours a week is only $520 which is honestly very little money in this area so budgeting will be very tight. That’s also without tax as I don’t know if your arrangement is legit/legal or under the table.

I would also stress that this sort or arrangement is very uncommon in this area and borderlines servitude. So I would be weary of guidelines you are given as red flags. Meaning are you allowed to have guests? Is it an actual room or a servants closet? If you break housing rules what are the results as in do they take money out of your pay? Etc.

Overall, be careful it could be sketchy or it could work out fine. Just make sure you aren’t taken advantage of.


First_Place_Finish t1_j21xoux wrote

sounds fine... 150 a week is just over $20 a night can't beat that.


Dextrous456 t1_j225kay wrote

Another consideration is health care. What do you do if you get sick? It's very expensive even if you don't have to go to the hospital or ER. Over the counter medicine can be a lot. Also, as a foreigner, you can be taken advantage of because you will be sponsored. So if you don't do what they say, what will happen? Be careful and check references from others who have worked there in the same situation.


LowTap1985 t1_j2daphb wrote

Is this the Roosevelt? I’ve heard terrible things about cooking there. That pay is well below average for cooking here and you should be able to find multi person housing for around 600