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NewEnglandBikeGuy t1_j2u2j1k wrote

I'd suggest checking into some breweries. I think The Guild in Pawtucket is dog friendly. I'm sure others are as well. Maybe call ahead to check for sure.


josiah_mac t1_j3cgu7y wrote

The guild is cool but it's such a big open space my dog would definitely not get the message that he's not allowed to mark his scent on anything he pleases lol


burgritto_22 t1_j2uqfq9 wrote

The Guild in Pawtucket allows dogs inside. They themselves serve some smaller bites and occasionally have larger-scale outside vendors doing food pop-ups. I think they might get around the restaurant rules because they don't have a full-service kitchen.


roshashana t1_j2uycnp wrote

Ogies! Lost Valley Pizza! Scurvy Dog!


HanMike t1_j2u6410 wrote

I second the Guild. There’s also a Guild in Warren.


rsborges68 OP t1_j2unkj0 wrote

Thanks friends! Here's to hoping one of the suggestions below has a heated outdoor experience in Providence!


lestermagnum t1_j2u8ro6 wrote

FYI - it’s against state health codes to allow dogs inside any place that serves food or drinks. You might want to consider all the other health codes that are being blatantly ignored at these places.


the_falconator t1_j2yx7pu wrote

FYI you don't actually know the code. It's any place that prepares food on site, so if it's a brewery that gets it's food from elsewhere then it's not breaking the health codes.


lestermagnum t1_j2z09bk wrote

From the RI General Laws, here are the exemptions to the restaurants rules -

21-27-6. Businesses exempt.

The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to those activities of food business which are licensed and regulated in accordance with the provisions of this title; provided, that retail food businesses and food vending machines limited solely to selling or dispensing ice and/or non-perishable foods, including, but not limited to, gumballs, unopened bottled or canned beverages, and prepackaged candy, nuts, gum, popcorn, chips, pretzels, cookies, and crackers. Honey producers who are registered with the state are exempt from the provisions of this chapter.

Note how it says UNOPENED bottles and cans.

It doesn’t say anything about where the food is prepared, just where it is served and consumed. Breweries, like every place that sells alcohol for on premise consumption, is considered under the umbrella of “restaurant” by the department of health. Same with drinks being considered a food product