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ImaroemmaI t1_j305nb8 wrote

Honestly if it's near a school zone then just pour some extra concrete. Speedbump, doesn't need electricity, can't be spray painted over and if someone fucks up their car on it, the money goes to a blue collar worker instead of some government stooge's pension.

*edit, apparently speedhumps will slow down emergency services


Bobisadrummer t1_j30tch9 wrote

Emergency vehicles shouldn’t be speeding either.

Edit: Thank you to all the folks who’ve downvoted this comment. It’s silly people like you that keep me and my fellow EMS workers employed.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j32sfoe wrote

Cops can certainly abuse the privilege but emergency vehicles absolutely be speeding. If your loved one was in an ambulance that didn't go above 25mph, you'd want that driver fired.


Bobisadrummer t1_j32toqz wrote

Spoken like someone who's never worked in EMS and has never taken an EVOC. Going lights and sirens doesn't give you the right to disregard speed limits.


ImaroemmaI t1_j34c365 wrote

To be honest I'm more worried about other cars getting out of the way for EMS in the first place, than them not being able to follow speed-limits. That and it would be cool too if more people were taught basic first aid, plus kept a kit nearby.