Submitted by springwaterh20 t3_105ulx2 in providence

I really want a pet. i’ve been going through it recently and I feel like having an animal to take care of and keep me company could really benefit my mental. it’s something i’ve wanted for a while, and I know I could take care of it no problem.

so my question: my lease says no pets, how lenient do you think Strive would be with this? i’ve had an exterminator from Strive over my place a couple of times and he always asked if I had pets (so he wouldn’t accidentally poison any), so it kinda seemed like other tenants might have pets? i’ve also spoken with my aunt who is a landlord on the side (not in RI) and she said she’s caught tenants with pets and said as long as they don’t cause trouble it’s not a big deal.

in case it matters, I want a cat, im a clean individual so I wouldn’t tolerate a litter box overfilling or other things like that, so smells shouldn’t be an issue. I say this because I have someone who lives directly below me and I don’t want to disturb him.

thank you :)



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hurricanetruther t1_j3cvu9g wrote

You really shouldn't willfully violate your lease like that.

The landlord can compel you to remove the pet and, if you refuse, evict you.

You don't know what's going on with the exterminator's question. It could just be a routine protocol he has to ask everyone. Other tenants may have leases that allow pets. Other tenants may have service animals. Your lease says no pets, so unless you want to risk being tossed out in this rental market...


springwaterh20 OP t1_j3cwclo wrote

yeah that’s my biggest fear. i’m not local so if I get tossed, I have no where to go. do you think it’s worth asking? rive only rented a little bit but i’m a good tenant, I always pay rent early or on time, I don’t cause issues and keep to myself.


mjr_bmr t1_j3cxial wrote

Joe at Strive is a pile of human waste. Do whatever you want, respecting your neighbor is a higher priority than anyone at Strive’s opinions. I lived in Providence in a property owned by Strive and as long as you pay rent they could give two shits less about you and your wellbeing. Get the cat and be happy. Fuck your landlord.


grem111 t1_j3d0vcl wrote

If you get an emotional support animal letter to support you with mental health from a doctor (could even be an np or pa i think), they cannot discriminate against people w accomodations from disabilities under the fair housing act. I don't know how this would work under an existing lease but maybe when it comes time to renew you could use that.

How much is your security deposit? Is the risk of losing that worth a pet to you? If yes, then go for it

Edit to add: evicting could take a decent amount of time and effort on the landlords part. More likely would be just not renewing your lease


brick1972 t1_j3d1mzw wrote

Some landlords are exploitative and will use this as an opportunity to extract more rent or withhold your security deposit from you or straight up evict you if they think they can get more money. One thing though is rents have eased a bit compared to the spring/summer so they probably can't expect to get a lot more for your apartment now - this is to say that the monetary incentive to evict isn't as wild as it was a year ago. Anyway I don't want to argue about whether exploitative applies to all landlords. Just assume I know that the general opinion of redditors is that they are.

OK, beyond that, this is what landlords are going to care about with pets:

- Complaints from other people in the building, etc. This shouldn't be a big deal with a cat (no barking, generally no waste to clean up in common areas) but you never know. If you are thinking of a cat that leaves the apartment this is a bigger deal. Noone wants hairballs or piles of cat vomit in the halls.

- damage to the apartment. The same way all landlords suck all landlords think all tenants are recalcitrant slobs. Which is to say that they then don't take care to make sure that the cat isn't peeing on the rugs or clawing the millwork or whatever. Again, cats much easier than dogs in this manner.

There's a reason most places are more accommodating to cats than dogs. Though I am a dog person myself they require a lot more effort to keep from annoying the neighbors.

I would probably ask. But Strive has a bad rep.


canibringmydog t1_j3dhnoi wrote

I don’t know why anyone is downvoting this. I think people faking service animals should be a crime but emotional support animals? All day. They basically only make it so landlords have to accept your pet. It’s a shame people abused it so much for airline travel; that was an inconvenience to a lot of people. But fuck landlords.


Outrageous_Detail135 t1_j3dttdl wrote

I don't have an answer but I just wanna say the signs that say STRIVE FOR RENT are comically dystopian. Like if I didn't live here I would think Strive was made up for a film satirizing rent increases.


leavingthecold t1_j3e194z wrote

Better think of how many people that don't have or need a pet that is looking for a place to rent.


Lovetoloveyaa t1_j3edrcm wrote

I know the owners of Strive and they really are great people. I don’t think it could hurt to ask - let them know you’re struggling and think it could benefit you mentally and emotionally. I think you’ll have better luck getting them to agree to a cat over a dog. They may increase rent a bit or they may say no, but I think it’s worth asking the question.


Hanamii- t1_j3ehkjd wrote

Only thing I know about Strive is that they make a shit ton of money and the owner is working on building another $30M property. Good luck with whatever you decide!


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_j3i79y7 wrote

A lot of no pets places tend to be more flexible around cats-- at least small landlords. No harm in asking.


leavingthecold t1_j3ib7j6 wrote

You state your lease says " NO PETS" and you have a neighbor downstairs. Hypothetically, lets say you break your clause and the neighbor complains. Do you think they will want to renew your lease or get another person w/o pets. If I was a landlord I wouldn't and take the next person. Its as simple as that.

I've seen many post on regarding pets and places that will take them. I know a cat isn't a big deal but dogs is another thing regarding noise and potential to bite regardless of how well trained they are. Have you considered others in the building.

I know this isn't easy but if there are landlords out there that have entire units for people w and w/o pets this would eliminate these type of issues.