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Dangerous_Public_164 t1_j3rko2r wrote

I'm sorry my post triggered you all so, so much that you want to talk personal shit on it. But seriously don't listen to these idiots enabling you to bring your girl to PVD, she will deeply hate it. You want to hear their perspective so you think they're good and right but they're baiting you into an awful decision. You want the "hippest" place to live in a dumpster and you're asking dumpster dwellers for advice, I get it. It's not gonna go well tho.

And if any of you think the dude who is saying move near Dexter park of ALL places in response to this post isn't either an idiot or a troll, god save you.


ExtremeSnipe t1_j3rvkl5 wrote

>claims to trigger everyone

>is the one triggered


Dangerous_Public_164 t1_j3s074j wrote

there is a big difference between being direct and aggressive or using a hard tone, and being triggered.

can you not tell these posters are angry and triggered that I confidently stated that PVD sucks for reasons they don't agree with?


lisa_stansfield_stan t1_j3sbh4m wrote

It's not just that people "don't agree," you're just objectively wrong. I've lived in four different neighborhoods over 13 years and no one has ever broken into my car or stolen my catalytic converter. Which you said will absolutely happen no matter where I move. I've had 13 wonderful years here, and I look forward to many more. Sorry that upsets you so much?


Gronto1115 t1_j3s0642 wrote

screw all your other points why are you in the Providence subreddit of all places if you hate pvd so much?