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Dangerous_Public_164 t1_j3rkwzk wrote

I just moved from directly adjacent to Dexter park, idk what to tell you but you're talking about a fantasy world if you have yet to see a needle there. You can't smell the piss when you're walking around there either, can you? Sometimes folks are trying too hard to be progressive to actually experience the world around them.


JohnProvidence t1_j3rmwig wrote

I think some people view the world as filled with threats and some people view the world as filled with people. You seem to fall into the former category. If you need to live outside of Providence for your peace of mind then please, by all means do so. Also, maybe think about how your perspective is kind of extreme and not representative of most of the experiences people have living in PVD.


Dangerous_Public_164 t1_j3rzmyb wrote

I am not surprised that user JohnProvidence didn't have this experience or that the current users of a forum dedicated to Providence don't broadly think it sucks.

But that does not make those characteristic experiences, this is a very particular subset of people commenting on this forum in the first place. And I can assure you most folks who have moved away and wouldn't bother thinking about r/providence now or ever have some variation on my experience as opposed to yours.


decoysara t1_j3srw7v wrote

So what should we do about this, as a society, do you think?


Dangerous_Public_164 t1_j3t0crs wrote

I'm more of a housing first kind of guy. I don't think though the homeless problem can be successfully addressed given the current state of federal legislation on a variety of drugs that really form the bedrock of the non-economic elements of the problem.

But this post isn't about solving the homeless and drug problem in America. It's about whether this guy should move his admittedly scared girlfriend into an apartment next to Dexter Park. Not moving your ass into a problematic area is not exactly NIMBYism. And even if it were, that would not make it a good idea for OP.


decoysara t1_j3t1p7f wrote

I get it, and my response wasn’t really necessary in this instance.

I feel like it is hard to tell how an area will be without spending some time there, and some people will find problems with anywhere/some will be OK anywhere. I don’t know why I decided to add to the internet conflict baiting machine, as I certainly do not wanna weigh in on anyone’s decision to live somewhere or not