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sc00p401 t1_j55chgi wrote

How about this: Restaurant staff should just be paid the same as everyone else; tips should be a bonus for above-and-beyond service and for managing large groups, and kept by the employee(s) that actually do the work not shared among the entire staff. No amount of earned tips is going to make up for the fact that they're paid $4.25/hr. Oh but what about the restaurant owner - If a business can't afford to pay their employees a proper wage, then they shouldn't running a business. Period.


degggendorf t1_j561eox wrote

> No amount of earned tips is going to make up for the fact that they're paid $4.25/hr.

Wait what? Yes it will. If a server earns $50/hr in tips, then it would make up for the $4.25 tipped minimum wage.

>Restaurant staff should just be paid the same as everyone else; tips should be a bonus for above-and-beyond service and for managing large groups

Consider the implication of that setup. Menu prices would increase 20% so the diner's total spend stays equal, right? So while it might be $15 meal + $3 tip now, it would be $18 meal total. So that means the owner is getting their hands on alllll the money, and we just have to trust them to equitably give that money back to their employees. Personally, I don't trust the average owner that much. I bet it would end up being like menu prices go up 30%, and the owner gives maybe 10% of that back to their staff and pockets the rest.

I can't think of any more trustworthy transaction than handing cash directly to the person you want to have it, with a law saying that person's boss can't touch it.