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AnalystAntique t1_j4gtlsb wrote

Drama queen behavior. Grown ass man looking for sympathy. That’s just me tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gu5tv wrote

I believe it was his ego. He wanted to fight the employee and kept screaming "you don't know who you're messing with!" He then tried to provoke the employees and proceeded to record and create this story.


Olneyvillain4190 t1_j4girp0 wrote

I used to work at this McDonald’s years ago. Not really related but the owners , the Walach family are all pieces of shit


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gj75u wrote

I can't speak on the owners, but imagine you are still working there at this moment being harassed because of a false accusation.


Olneyvillain4190 t1_j4gjl7k wrote

No for sure , I actually know one of the women in the video and she’s a great person. I feel bad for the employees. But anything that hurts that franchise in anyway makes me smile


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gk3jf wrote

I don't know who they are, but the way they handled the situation shows great character. I'm not worried about the franchise hurting, more worried about those false accusations hurting those workers. They all looked really young.


Olneyvillain4190 t1_j4gksw0 wrote

Bruh that’s McDonald’s corporate talking thru them. That family has hurt those workers more than a viral video every could


Beebeeleen t1_j4geu21 wrote

Dude, make videos on youtube. Anyone can see them and not everyone has (or wants to have) Tik Tok. I can't see your videos (and many more people can't either).


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gfobg wrote


Beebeeleen t1_j4ghuxc wrote

Thank you. I reviewed the article and videos.

The complainer's claims lack substance. I clearly seen a sign indicating the restaurant's policy (30 minute limit). I feel very bad for the McDonald's employees.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gigj0 wrote

Thank you so much for taking the time to help understand. The videos clearly show McDonald's employees are being harassed and the sister not being kicked out proved it wasn't discrimination, yet they still run with that narrative. Please share truth with your friends and family regarding the false allegations.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gf4ys wrote

Thank you for the advice! I'm new to tiktok too, it was the place I've seen the video. I'll update if I can figure out how to upload there.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gcz4j wrote

I don't mean to repost this everywhere, but the lies are spreading like wildfire. Please help me, help these employees. They are still going to work, under severe stress! I need Providence, RI to know the truth. Thank you again for any support.


glump1 t1_j4gwopw wrote

That's a shame. Imo there are certain demographics we don't think about that are disproportionately targeted. A mcdonalds worker making minimum wage and then getting harassed/shamed is like the perfect example.

I find the term a little flawed but slandering people over a late mcdonalds order is some grade-A karen behavior.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gxlbb wrote

It wasn't that it was a late order. He was sleeping and tried to fight an employee after he was reminded of the policy. Then he provoked the employees and proceeded to record. I updated the post with a link to a snippet of his viral video. In the video, there is a clear sign of the policy.


First_Place_Finish t1_j4gk2un wrote

Thank you for correcting this. everyone wants to play the victim card these days


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4gkm1p wrote

Thank you for taking the time to understand. The employees need all the support they can get. I spoke to one young lady there, and it breaks my heart that I cannot help them any other way.

Please help share the truth with family and friends regarding this situation. And please don't judge their work abilities at this moment. They are under high stress.


412gage t1_j4hq3ln wrote

Be a shame if this guy's employer caught wind of this and a new position opened up.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4hrg7d wrote

Luckily, the family has their own business going on. I figured this may be the reason why he acted so entitled.


412gage t1_j4hsboz wrote

What's the business?


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4hu0d0 wrote

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to drop any names. But the way I found out was by looking up the creators tiktok name:@jensenaharris by first and last name followed by Florida.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4hv8pt wrote

The father also went into the restaurant and screamed that the employees were racist. From what I heard, he spit on one of the employees (don't take my word for it, that's why I didn't bring that up in any post). This is also not the first rodeo of using the racist card on someone. Another reason why I hope people can see the truth.


412gage t1_j4i6a0d wrote

Yeah I mean it's a slippery slope to be name dropping, but in this instance, idk.


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4i843q wrote

Yeah, I hope these employees will be ok mentally and emotionally. Also, for no one else to be a victim to them.


Alarmed_Nebula3917 t1_j4idfc3 wrote

That’s a clear case of discrimination against sleepy people


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4ie7tx wrote

I don't agree because there is a posted sign, and he was sleeping for well over an hour as the statement reads. He was reminded of the policy, fell asleep and tried to fight the employee.


Alarmed_Nebula3917 t1_j4igaqi wrote

Bottom line if I’m working at McDonald’s I’m 100% not dealing with any kind of nonsense, I’m not enforcing shit, those people don’t get paid enough to play orderly in the dining room to mental patients


Rich_Belt4795 t1_j4ij306 wrote

I agree with not wanting to enforce things. Especially because of being threatened or something like this. But then again, I don't want to point blame at the ones who are dealing with this because of someone else's insecurities.


Alarmed_Nebula3917 t1_j4iwipo wrote

I wouldn’t say anything unless someone was in there dying or taking a shit on the floor, the person earning the highest hourly pay still lives in poverty