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debasing_the_coinage t1_j5uqc96 wrote

Was excited for this when I saw it too, but slowly lost hope when there was no progress for two years.


Status_Silver_5114 OP t1_j5urg59 wrote

I'm fairly certain it's not DB but at this point I'd be happy to see anything new on N Main (that's not an auto parts store). But the site was definitely filled with some new material when I drove by today so something must be up!


Status_Silver_5114 OP t1_j5v4fdu wrote

So what's the load in for? Bunch of white plastic (pvc stuff?) and acitive crew there today. Haven't heard any dish....


brick1972 t1_j5v4t6k wrote

No idea I just still have realtor alerts on and this popped up today

Possible they have some remediation to do before they would be able to sell.


Status_Silver_5114 OP t1_j5v5cat wrote

Good point - wasn't it a gas station before (or the time before that? Something environmental).


brick1972 t1_j5v94pi wrote

There was definitely contamination. I think that and covid is what killed dune bros. There


FunLife64 t1_j5vvs79 wrote

That was a terrible location for Dune Bros. Enjoying a lobster roll on the patio along that stretch of N Main? Hard pass.


nygrl811 t1_j5w31mh wrote

Whole heartedly agree! Much better where they are.


brick1972 t1_j5yhna4 wrote

Agreed. I selfishly (shellfishly?) want them to move in next to Rasoi/Antonio's and build out a little outdoor seating area there. Wish the owners of the plaza had more imagination than basic strip mall.

I believe the plan was for them to keep both locations fwiw. But who knows.


TheCyborganizer t1_j60a4xo wrote

There's a dentists office going in right next to Antonio's - but there's a Jewish deli and a brick and mortar store of Feast & Fettle moving in in the part where the Rite Aid and the pet supplu store used to be.


brick1972 t1_j61c53u wrote

I just read about the deli. I hope it's great.

Nice news about Feast & Fettle thanks!


grandon t1_j6022p2 wrote

There was a post/tweet/something from Dune Bros a while back saying the lot was contaminated so they could not build there.

The stuff there is probably a remediation activity to address the contamination so the lot can be sold.


Status_Silver_5114 OP t1_j602bqo wrote

So probably just the owner doing what they should have done before rather than something exciting coming soon. Good point.