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Proof-Variation7005 t1_j64ewqr wrote

>Most importantly it's located in a food desert. It's one of the few places to get fresh food in the west end.

If anything, this should be the non-starter for donating. When they're in a situation where they shouldn't really have any way to fail? Crowdfunding isn't going to save them. The best case scenario is you end up like the suckers who gave $40,000 to Bucktown and they couldn't last 6 months after.

At a certain point, an operation needs to sink or swim and Urban Greens just announced they don't know how to swim


CaroKannyeWest t1_j64f755 wrote

Harsh but fair. And you're right. I was half worried I'd be out on an island with my stance here.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j64nnx7 wrote

The line about needing "an infusion of cash to get to a place of greater stability" is what made me get that way.