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CaroKannyeWest t1_j6b777n wrote

Just a shout out for Nueva Era on Cranston for produce as well.

Gigantic fricken carrots, etc at a quarter of the price. They grind and butcher meats right in front of you per order.

It's in a rough spot, no doubt but many don't realize there are 2 or 3 parking spots literally right in front of the store that are often vacant.

Back of the house you need to know a little Spanish but the cashiers and managers are all kind people willing to help any patron who walks in.

For only 2 aisles, they have everything as far as non perishables as well.

And the back of the store is a cafeteria spread with Dominican food.

One of the best kept secrets in Providence. Just don't use the traditional word "bolsa" when asking for a bag. They use "funta" to say shopping bags. They use bolsa as a word for a ballsack. Speaking from experience here. 😂