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Indy_420 t1_j6c2yf9 wrote

The Armory should be full of weapons and ammo for RI citizens incase of attack from our enemies not full of drug addicts and insane people. What happened to the stock pile of ammo and arms? The united states government did a 75 year study that concluded that there is always about 10% of the population that cannot take care of themselves and will be perpetually homeless. So to be harsh, fuck these people. The longer we keep supporting them with fresh needles and "help" that never works the longer we perpetuate their bullshit. Not sorry. The best thing to do is ship them to a warm state and give them loads of fetynel and let nature take its course. Because when it comes down to it no one wants homeless drug addicts fighting, shitting, leaving needles in their neighborhood. No one wants that shit!


vases t1_j6c5gcu wrote

You got some wild Connecticut invasion fantasies lmao


hobomom t1_j6cw0oy wrote

I’m new to RI. I was trying to figure out if it was CT or MA


FrutaFertil t1_j6d2x8x wrote

Who are RI’s enemies? We’re too small to bug anyone, I think a pebble in my shoe would be more irritating