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slinkygay t1_j6g23r9 wrote

I guess I’m confused about how you can simultaneously have permanent housing and be unable to stay in that housing. Realistically, no one has a comfortable safe indoor place to stay and decides “spending the night in sub-thirty temperatures in the Armory sounds better.” Maybe “permanent housing” means family that they are no longer welcome to stay w because of their addiction? If that’s the case, then they don’t have permanent housing


RainbowJay t1_j6g4wa7 wrote

I think what was being referred to is people identifying folks as homeless who aren’t. Might not apply to the armory situation but more in KP or other parts of town where people might be hanging out but not necessarily unhoused.


upcountry_degen t1_j6k535j wrote

No, they explicitly state they have apartments. Not sure why I got downvoted like that when I have a substantial amount of first hand experience with the situation and the population in general, but that’s Reddit for you, speculation confirming the bias of the average user of a given sub will always receive more positive reaction than first hand knowledge which doesn’t jive with a preconceived idea