Submitted by sullybanger t3_10p2hba in providence

Hey I’ve been playing music with a friend and it’s time to add another person. It’s a stoner rock/metal band except it’s entirely in hutteese. If you or someone you know loves Star Wars and metal have them get in touch please. We’re in our 30’s and are casual but invested in it and currently practice once a week. My wife is high risk with some health stuff so we test before practices and then Hang out care free. Thanks!

I know this sounds weird as hell to everyone who is not the exact person im writing this for, the music sounds so good though.



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Prota_Gonist t1_j6iy7s6 wrote

I'm objectively not good enough of a metal guitarist to be in your band but I'm also a 30's Star Wars loving guitarist in Providence so I'm gonna follow this thread and live vicariously through the person who actually shows up. 🤘


sullybanger OP t1_j6j3xuy wrote

You seem like the ideal candidate but I understand your hesitation. The riffs are pretty simple, I’m no Yngwie Palpatine


Prota_Gonist t1_j6j51fo wrote

Wanna send me a sample? Maybe I'm overestimating the skill level required... I'm not great or anything but I can play Nick Jonas under the table at least.


Low-Medical t1_j6kxpj2 wrote

”Yngwe Palpatine” damn that was funny. I hope you all have punny Star Wars names. “Boba Fret”, “Admiral Axebar” - you can have those two for free. “Han Solo” for the lead guitarist works without alteration.


DhabNuhr t1_j6n7hfy wrote

Please tell me you have something recorded you can share. I need to know more


sullybanger OP t1_j6n9jso wrote

Just the rough practice stuff right now, but I’ll come back around when the demo is out and show you!


Some-Cricket-176 t1_j6nc7r4 wrote

Intrigued. Can you dm me a sample? I haven't played stoner in a bit but would love to get back to it - happy to send my stuff too :)