Submitted by ThrowAway22030202 t3_11ek47f in relationship_advice

Hi guys, I don’t really know what to say so it’s going to be jumbled and messy but I’ll try my best even if it’s just to write it out for myself.

To start, my girlfriend was SA’d almost 3 years ago, we had just met and it was one of her family members. It was never dealt with and her family is HORRIBLE so let me get that out there.

We’ve been dating for about 2 years and a few months, we began dating 6 or so months after the assault. We were really happy but she had lots of trauma and mental health issues. I believe she has BPD (borderline personality disorder) and she was on anti depressants until recently for about 6 months.

Basically her parents don’t believe in mental health so they refused to help. It ended in me paying a lot for her to see a therapist several times (especially for her flashbacks), go on anti depressants, etc. About $1000 (converted).

I really looked after her and while I’m not perfect I made mistakes, I did well in my opinion and helped her a lot. Im 99% certain she would have unalived if I hadn’t helped her when I did. We spent the December holidays together and she practically begged to come live with me, and we made a plan to in around 6 months. But I’m very early January her uncle who was her one nice family member died. She went off the rails a bit and smoked a lot of weed and her older brother who lives with his wife let her stay there and condoned it and they got to bond a bit (which was nice except for the weed coping mechanism)

But I was giving her a little shit because of how she was acting and left things, and I get she was grieving but the way we last saw each other and went from seeing each other and calling every day to a few texts a day also put me in a tough place. But essentially we’ve been f ighting off and on for about a month and a week, 2 weeks ago she said she wanted to break up because of her mental health. She’s convinced she self sabotaged and has broken up with me in the past during episodes so I never know what’s going on. But after a few days I was getting annoyed because she was really communicating horribly and also not being very nice to me. She also said some mean things. Then I got in an argument with her about it and she hung up. I repeatedly called back because I deal with being hung up on very badly (abandonment issues maybe). But then she just blocked me… it hurts a lot because even though I’m not rich or anything I put a lot of time, love, effort and money into helping her and making her life better. I did a lot lot lot for her and would’ve done anything to help her. Now she does this? It’s been about a week and it’s really painful, less painful now and my friend helped but she broke up with me on Valentine’s Day, then on top of that blocked me after knowing my mom was going for cancer surgery and I was moving cities so I was losing my friends, only stable thing I had was her. I just feel disappointed and betrayed.



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BinkoBankoBonko t1_jaeh3f4 wrote

What did she do for you?


ThrowAway22030202 OP t1_jaeh7l5 wrote

Made me feel loved, appreciated the effort I made (until this year) and was there for me when no one else was.


BinkoBankoBonko t1_jaei46n wrote

Reason I asked is because a lot of times relationships with people with severe mental health issues ends up being incredibly one-sided. Her condition is not going to get better. If this kind of behavior makes you feel "loved" then you probably need to reevaluate. You feeling bad for her during this shows a great deal of compassion but, this is wildly unacceptable behavior as a partner.

A dog can make you feel loved and be there for you when no one else is.

She has acted exactly how she will act for probably her whole life. This will VERY likely be a cycle that she does with you until she dies. If you like it/can handle it.. great then stay with her. Your choice.


ThrowAway22030202 OP t1_jaeiho4 wrote

I see what you saying, thank you :(

To be honest even if I wanted to stay with her (and I still love her for some reason so I do). She blocked me and refuses to unblock me or speak to me


BinkoBankoBonko t1_jaej0gm wrote

The weed will likely keep her in this mental state for her whole life if she continues to smoke. Seriously it prevents people from growing mentally as I've seen.

She will come back eventually/apologize and blame herself and her condition. Let her come back don't pursue her. You take her back.. it will absolutely happen again though. Like I said.. we make these choices. Choose your life.


ThrowAway22030202 OP t1_jaehczr wrote

Her family is very poor so she was never able to do much for me that cost money but when she had money she would buy me small things and it meant the world to me