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trees1nthewind t1_jaf0xww wrote

Yo, stop. Leave and start anew.


Throwaway445092345 t1_jaf1e8y wrote

I can't. She was the nicest person I ever met. I just can't give up yet. Not until she tells me it's really over


Cool_Story_Bro__ t1_jaf3wi2 wrote

I felt like I was finally getting over some of the hurt she caused me and willing to make amends. She made me sound like I was crazy. but now I'm starting to think I waas right all along and that she was cheating on me the entire time. I was right…she knows all of this but what does she do? She shows the entire f*cking world that she doesn't give a sh*t about my feelings.“

“She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met”

Well which is it? Stop lying to yourself. Stop looking at her Facebook.

You’re torturing yourself. If you fucked up, deal with it and be better next time. It doesn’t mean you deserve to hurt yourself more.

It’s over. She blocked you. She’s with someone else.

There is nothing you can tell her to get her back.

Sorry buddy.


BellaSantiago1975 t1_jaf4beh wrote

How much more do you need to know it's over, dude. You're blocked. She's with someone else.

You need to accept it's over or you're crossing into stalker/obsessive territory.


trees1nthewind t1_jaf1iv2 wrote

How is she nice when she blocked you and was with another guy for your, I would assume, relationship? Or did you just think yall were together?


Throwaway445092345 t1_jaf4l5q wrote

We were together for years. We broke up in Auguest but I;ve been keeping in touch with her and her friends and volunteering where she does. She also told me that she wasnt gonna date anyone for now so I was trying to work on us but guess that was a lie


trees1nthewind t1_jaf4tnf wrote

Yeah, yall broke up. She don't want you no more. So move on


earmares t1_jaf1y3e wrote

If the nicest person you ever met was someone who treated you like shit and lied to you about cheating.... you need to find better people in your life.


Throwaway445092345 t1_jaf4zoe wrote

She was really the only one I trusted. My friends and ex abandoned me too a few months after we ended things so really she's all i have. I was hoping that we'd be able to patch things up like we always have but I guess I'm not good enough for her


derangermouse t1_jaf1mmz wrote

You think this “sad guy online stalker” act reflects the type of guy that your ex would be interested in?


Indecks9999 t1_jaf2i3e wrote

You mean your EX.

Dude, hanging on to a dead relationship is toxic af


whatdahexk t1_jaf3ulr wrote

This relationship is over, you need to accept that and move on. She is dating someone else, she is not looking to reconcile things with you.

In the future anger management classes could be very beneficial for you, especially considering it’s gotten you kicked out of multiple places. Use this time to work on yourself, find stable housing and a good job. A relationship shouldn’t be the biggest worry for you right now.


Ok-Preparation-2307 t1_jaf4sx1 wrote

Its over. This relationship according to your comments and history has been toxic trash the entire time. It's over and she isn't your girlfriend. Get over it, you sound like a stalker and creep.


BeachPeachMcgee t1_jaf37gc wrote

I know you're hurting, but this mindset is sooo toxic

>but now I'm starting to think I waas right all along and that she was cheating on me the entire time.

There is no possible way you can know this. You'd be surprised how quick things can move for some people.

Block her on everything and work on YOUR healing. Don't focus so much on what she is doing.


Throwaway445092345 t1_jaf51cc wrote

It just sucks man. I've been trying to make things right with her since August but she's been making things so hard. And I can't just forget about her, not after all weve been thru. We worked thru so much and I would never do what she did and just not care, but no matter what I did she just didn't care at all. She was the last home I knew and she doesn't care how much it hurts me to see her act all happy when I'm miserable and she knows it


derangermouse t1_jaf3s36 wrote

That’s your takeaway? Whatever.


JavaChirp t1_jaf4iaf wrote

Stop it bro, Move on


earmares t1_jaf1hvd wrote

Why on earth would you want her back? She cheated on you and doesn't care. That's in your own words. Move on. Don't talk to her again.


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Acceptable-Sand-8011 t1_jaf38lh wrote

Bro she was cheating on you, think of it as a gift. Totally forget about her, purge her from your mind and life. Move on find a new thang. What do u think she is going to do with the new guy same thing she did to you. Don't look back, especially when she comes crawling back..and she will.