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still_grinding_on t1_jaf470w wrote

Hey there.
Your relationship is supposed to be an audition for marriage, unless it's explicitly agreed that marriage is off the table.

The first basic bar is whether your partner WANTS to marry you. If they haven't proposed after 7 years, that is strong cause-indicative that he either doesn't want to marry, or that he doesn't want to marry YOU. Doubts and hesitation should be marginal after 7 years, and with a child already in the picture.

Even if it's a hesitance on practicality grounds (finances, etc.) 7 years is plenty of time to get all of that sort of thing sorted; and if he wants to marry you but still hasn't sorted things out, then that is strong cause-indicative that he fails another bar, which is that he's CAPABLE of sustaining a marriage with you.

This isn't automatically all on him, though.
You could be flunking the same sort of tests, since you're also auditioning. If your difficult "attitude' is particularly severe, then living with it for the rest of his life is a daunting proposition, thus your capability to sustain a marriage is also in serious question.

I wish the best of fortune and happiness to you three.