Submitted by ArsonIsFun69 t3_11dm7nf in relationship_advice

So I’ve been talking i guess to this guy for a little over a month and he keeps going back and forth between talking to me a lot and leaving me on delivered for 19 hours or something like that. When we do talk (not really that often tbh like once or twice a week) he sends me funny pictures and vids of him and his friends and obviously tries to impress me but when we aren’t talking its just really bland dry pics of his forehead or just black screens at night (on snap) I would ask him straight up what he wants but I’m terrified and not good at confrontation. But for some background, I’m in school and he does have a pretty busy work schedule where he can’t use his phone so maybe he’s just been really busy? (i could just be telling myself that to make me feel better abt the situation haha idk) I really like him so far but I have no clue what to do so if anyone has any advice that’d be cool lmao



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Bryanormike t1_ja9ga65 wrote

Ask him. This is a good chance to grow up and start learning to be direct.

Otherwise you can sit and hope.


ArsonIsFun69 OP t1_ja9gijb wrote

Yeah I want to i just get really anxious and awkward when it comes to being direct about feelings and stuff any ideas on how i could go about that?😭


Bryanormike t1_ja9h1dq wrote

You very well may get rejected and that sucks so mentally try to prepare for that. But it's better than sitting there doing nothing hoping the other person just magically makes a move.

Tbh you can just start by saying something as simple as hey, I like you and think you're cute. Would you want to go on a date?

Now again he may say no but at least then you can start movin on or just being friends or w e


reluctantdonkey t1_ja9i7o4 wrote

You say "Hey, great pic of your forehead. Can I just ask... what are we doing here? Do you want to go on a date or no?"


ShoulderSnuggles t1_ja9jeks wrote

“Hey, I really like you and wish we could talk more and hang out sometime. Is that something you might want, too?”

If he says yes, yay, you’re out of purgatory. If he says anything other than yes, move on. There are a bunch of people out there who would love to be with you, so go find one!


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