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Biauralbeats t1_jad42mb wrote

Girls don't want guys like that anyway. Most of us have figured out it is a bunch of sexist tripe trumpeted by low-sexually performing men.


SnooSongs6848 t1_jadzgbd wrote

No I get it I hate men like that too however it’s one thing to be sexist and another to care about your health. Wouldn’t you be concerned if a guy slept with a bunch of women like idk 50+ wouldn’t you think he may have an std and you be concerned about your own well being?


Biauralbeats t1_jadzteb wrote

No. I am 53. People are in the 100s by the point they die. It is all relative. I had a bunch of dudes when I was younger, but settled into a very long, monogamous marriage.

And people do take care of their bits with testing.


SnooSongs6848 t1_jae1fxf wrote

I’m sorry but body count matters. At 26 you don’t sleep with 50+ people. Not only are you putting yourself at risk for STDs but you’ll be doing that to others along with you look easy and like a hoe sorry but that’s the hard truth. She’s 26 not 53. You can literally type on google “do people with high body counts have stds” and the first thing it shows is “someone with a high body count may be more likely to have STDs”. You should not encourage op to sleep w a bunch of other men you will boost her confidence and the result is she may catch an std and majority of men won’t want her also again having a high body count doesn’t look good for a woman that’s just facts a woman is supposed to cherish her body have respect for it


Biauralbeats t1_jae2n9l wrote


All of it

you are sex shaming shame on YOU


SnooSongs6848 t1_jae3ytd wrote

Shame on you encouraging people to get stds. I’m a woman myself I’m not saying I have the smallest body count so I’m not sex shaming you’re here encouraging people to get stds a lower there body value. You are a terrible person shame on you. Just bc you don’t care about your health doesn’t mean others don’t.


Biauralbeats t1_jae4anv wrote

Oh ffs.

who the hell encouraged people to get stds

get off your soap box and stop your moralizing to WOMEN only