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SnooSongs6848 t1_jaean5v wrote

Oh honey you have not played cod, apex, other games that make you so mad. Sometimes you just want to say shut the fuck up. Personally for my bf to spectate me when playing video games like a ranked game and talks non stop telling me there’s someone there when an intense play happens I say shut up bc you’re trying to focus kinda like studying for an exam you need quietness. I don’t say stfu tho I find it rude. Advice: leave him bc you want a nice caring bf and he hurt your feelings I’m sure he will keep repeating that behavior


KorrokHidan t1_jaedbbd wrote

The whole “everyone does it in the heat of the moment” excuse may be fine in theory, but the fact is that he didn’t apologize after even seeing how it affected her. He clearly doesn’t care