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Boone05 t1_jaefu1c wrote

She barks when she’s not getting attention and jumps on the kitchen counter and gets into food. She’s not crate trained.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaeh88p wrote

Ugh. That sucks.

If she’s barking and you work from home and have to do meetings then I get it. Probably time to tell friend that doggo needs to go somewhere—either another friend or a boarding kennel as it’s impacting your ability to do your job.


Boone05 t1_jaekxrn wrote

I thought about offering to pay for and set up something with Rover. Both my husband and I work from home so if we are both in a meeting and she starts barking it’s been hard. She’s still a puppy so not her fault but just something we were not prepared for. Obviously my friend wasn’t expecting it either.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jaenyvb wrote

I would not recommend using rover. Too much liability if it goes south and I’ve seen it go pretty south. If anything, I’d board her at her vet or a proper boarding facility. If she’s a puppy though, she may not be up to date on all of her vaccines in order to board safely.


deemsterporn t1_jaehf5m wrote

That's an easy fix. Get some dog safe bones, chews, stuffed Kong, toy etc so the dog is kept busy. Keep food off the counter. Set down some boundaries in your home. Get a kiddie gate so dog stays in its own area. Lots of solutions for your problem.

If you care for your friend absolutely try to make it work. Sounds like you don't though. If one of my friends made a post like this I'd honestly rather find a new friend. My friends are my chosen family and id be so grateful to help them in their time of need


Boone05 t1_jaek1tv wrote

Jesus Christ. I drove her to the hospital, brought her everything she needed, and drove her kid to another town to stay with family. You are acting like I hate my friend. I was not prepared to watch a puppy on top of working a full-time job and I am overwhelmed and exhausted.