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susgodtraplord t1_ja8awio wrote

I mean, if her daddy pays her rent she probably can’t cut it on her own (without help). I honestly suggest you look for your own place if you can afford it. Why you would want to live with a spoiled princess with control issues is beyond me.


xdem112 t1_ja8c9zx wrote

People get so angry when others have parents attempting to give them a more flexible and enjoyable young adult life and it’s hilarious to me. Jealousy truly is a nasty thing, it doesn’t reflect on her roommates character at all.

By state standards I was an orphan in college and getting on my own two feet fucking sucked until I was around 26. If I have kids I can’t wait to let them take life slow and enjoy college and being young. You can absolutely instill a sense of responsibility while helping with living expenses.