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kaibelf t1_jaay784 wrote

Gotcha. I’ve been in some long ones so here’s what I would advise for you. Patience. A man aged 25 probably had plans with friends on a weekend. Also, hanging out on SC gets old, and for many guys can be a flag that you’re not serious about a real pursuit. If you want to get to know him, do it directly. Too many young men and women today cannot have a normal conversation over dinner because they’re ONLY used to SC and get awkward spending time with each other, and he’s probably not looking for that situation. The fact that he asked for your number is actually probably a good sign that he’d rather have a normal conversation. Go hang out somewhere and get to know each other (phones put away).


Anxious-Object-8719 OP t1_jaayhvi wrote

thank you so much!! he’s someone i definitely want to get to know and get serious with.


kaibelf t1_jaaz2sj wrote

Like I said, PATIENCE! PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE! Sure, get to know him, but it’s TOO EARLY to tell if you want to get serious yet. Find out if he’s kind. Good to people. Respectful of others in the world. Good with animals, nice to a waiter. Look for little things that tell you the quality of him. Only THEN can you really decide if he’s worth you being serious about. And it goes both ways. You may not be the right one for him. Take time, don’t rush and you’ll see. I wish you good luck! <3