Submitted by RepresentativeSplit5 t3_11egj96 in relationship_advice

I (31/f) have been dating my boyfriend (29/m) since last April, so between 10-11 months. I live alone with my two dogs in a three bedroom ranch that I’ve leased to own since I was 18, and will have paid off in like 10 more years. He lives with his parents maybe 3 minutes drive away. Basically since the beginning of the relationship, he’s been spending his nights here, and a couple months in, when we were really in love, he mentioned that he’d like to move in at some point in the near future, but we didn’t really discuss it seriously because things were still new. I pretty much have always had either a roommate or a significant other living with me to offset bills. I dated someone from 18 years old - 22, who moved in with me, paid rent, and then moved away when we broke up. Then I had a roommate/old friend who moved in for a year, and she moved to Colorado. Then I dated someone from 24 - 28 years old, who also lived with me, paid rent, and moved out when we broke up. 28 - 30, a friend’s younger sister moved in and paid rent. And that’s where I was when we met, she had just moved in with her boyfriend, I was alone in the house, and my boyfriend mentioned moving in as the relationship got more serious.

Now months have gone by, we’ve been dating almost a year, he sleeps at my place every night, but I pay all the bills, including groceries that he eats, utilities, etc.. In November, we got in a big argument during which he said he doesn’t want a future with me. When it was finally resolved, he took that back, but by then I was struggling to keep up with bills and had been for months, which he was aware of, and I told him that if he doesn’t see a future, I’m getting a roommate. I told him if I did, I don’t think it’s appropriate for him to keep sleeping there, which he disputed a little, but agreed. I wasn’t exactly happy with this because to my mind, at almost a year if you feel more reluctant than ever to commit to someone, but are comfortable reaping the benefits of that person paying for you to live, something is wrong. I expressed this to him, and he basically said he does want a future and does want to move in, and that I shouldn’t get a roommate. Months go by, I’ve told him several times he should be contributing (although in his defense, he’d say I bring it up during arguments, which is true), but I’ve also told him other times when we weren’t arguing, and I’ve explained weekly why I can’t afford this or that, and how I’m struggling with rent, but he never does and never brings it up on his own. The past couple months have been more severe, I’ve struggled with rent more than even and am now facing potentially losing my lease to own contract.

So, im struggling with the point at which it’s appropriate for someone to contribute to bills for a house they stay at? The reason I don’t bring it up as much when we aren’t at odds has less to do with avoiding an argument and more to do honestly with the fact that I don’t want to force him to do it, and it isn’t just about the money. I can’t imagine living off of someone else, so for me it seems an ethical obligation to pay your fair share but he doesn’t seem to have that value.



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ckent_11 t1_jadvkhu wrote

"He doesn't seem to have that value" yet you continue to foster that lack of values by not teaching him otherwise. Do you find a parasite to be a healthy long term play??


captaininterwebs t1_jadw1iq wrote

If you’re interested in continuing the relationship (although I think at this point I’d run, with a partner who didn’t seem interested in pulling their own weight) I would ask him to move in officially, agree to going half and half with all expenses. Give him a date that you’d need to know by. Make it clear that if he doesn’t agree, due to not being able to support yourself in this position, you’ll be getting a new roommate (and at that point I’d probably also consider ending the relationship or at least taking a big step back).


deemsterporn t1_jadwash wrote

Does he not work?


RepresentativeSplit5 OP t1_jadwh5m wrote

He does work, we work at the same place and he makes more than I do.


deemsterporn t1_jadwlyq wrote

What is his reason for not contributing?


RepresentativeSplit5 OP t1_jadwsqr wrote

Well at certain points he said he doesn’t see a future with me, and that’s why. But he also took that back when we were getting along, and at several points did agree to pay rent, etc.


RepresentativeSplit5 OP t1_jadwuhe wrote

Beyond that reason, I don’t know. There isn’t really one I’ve heard.


deemsterporn t1_jadxq0k wrote

Seems like you've allowed this to go on too far. You need to stop being a doormat and set a boundary. If he lives with you he pays x amount of rent or utilities or he stops sleeping over more than once a week. If he's not interested in moving in time to break up and move on. Don't waste more of your time.


theycallhertammi t1_jae1ech wrote

Write down all the home expenses and sit down with him. Figure out a number that he will contribute and when it’s due. You keep complaining about bills but I don’t see that you’ve actually discussed it.


RepresentativeSplit5 OP t1_jae1k6v wrote

No, we’ve discussed it many times. If we aren’t fighting and I bring it up, he ignores me. If we are fighting, he says he doesn’t want to pay because he doesn’t want a future. Then when things are better, he takes that back and lather rinse repeat.


theycallhertammi t1_jae46l3 wrote

Ok so he needs to pack his things and go back to mom and dad’s. He can leaves a few items in a drawer. He can stay over 1-2 times per week. Let him know that you will be getting a roommate so the time he gets to come over will be limited. He has no problem using you so you have to set boundaries so that doesn’t happen anymore. I would be cautious moving forward with him. A man that can watch you struggle likely won’t make a good life partner.