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Sweaty-Ad-3659 OP t1_jaajs6w wrote

Honestly, I don’t know, I’m just so confused. I want to be honest with him, since we’re always very honest to each other, but I really don’t want to hurt him.


TorrenceMightingale t1_jaajvrp wrote

That’s what not being honest with him will do. Brutal honesty upfront will almost always result in less pain. It’s uncomfortable for the one being honest, but realistically, this discomfort is what you’re protecting yourself from. Not him from hurt.


Sweaty-Ad-3659 OP t1_jaak03e wrote

Yes, that’s also very true, I think I will talk to him. Thank you


TorrenceMightingale t1_jaak8oz wrote

Yes ma’am. Good luck and enjoy your youth while you have it. It is a precious and short-lived commodity.