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carbinePRO t1_jefpka0 wrote

>Also if the pill is the problem, we don’t have many other options as I can’t use condoms

And that excuse is?

Imma level with you, the pill hormonally affects women. It took my wife a while to get used to the changes. It totally bombed her sex drive. Either you put up with it and wait, or you break up with her. It's that simple. Albeit really shallow. There's more to relationships than just sex.


than_odium t1_jefpxy2 wrote

I know that, why do you think I’ve stayed with her for nearly 6 months despite our dry spell. I really love her and I want to stay with her. I was hoping for suggestions to put the spark back in


carbinePRO t1_jefqd13 wrote

Have you brought any of this up to her? At all?