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SleepDangerous1074 t1_jecbr2t wrote

Sorry but how does your husband have constant chats with her about where they grew up and weekend plans…but she learns he has a wife from overhearing a conversation?!

How has he not ever said “my wife and I took our son to x on Saturday”?!


giag27 t1_jebqau0 wrote

I would be very pissed if i were you at the moment. Part of me blames your husband for entertaining this at work. Maybe im wrong. I work in a male dominated field, I’m very careful when interacting with my coworkers. He needs to straight up cut it out, tell her to only to communicate about work. She friggen asked him to go out on the weekend. Wtf!? How sure are you he’s not interested? I would keep an eye on their chats.


ThrowRA0808080808 t1_jebt286 wrote

That's what I thought too, thanks for the validation


EggplantOriginal6314 t1_jeckzyf wrote

He needs to shut this down. He needs to straight up tell her the messages are crossing lines and he is happily married and they need to only talk about work.


normalboyz1 t1_jebl8tg wrote

from my personal experience when someone is make a move or being flirty like that. i just said something that shows im happy sexually with my wife.

back then i got a female colleague who started talking about sexual topic in general and im pretty open to talk about it. when she started navigated the conversation to be more flirtatious and sexual, i just casually mentioned "i really love when my wife is on top, it feels so good i can't last." and normally ppl got the hint.


KeepGoingYoureGood t1_jec3cds wrote

I would feel a little upset tbh if this was my husband. They are coworkers and only need to talk about work related conversations. I understand a couple of “how are you?”, but your husband now needs to set boundaries.

Examples he could do it subtly is mentioning you with every personal comment. “I wish you could show me how to swing a bat” respond with “yeah, my wife and I like to go batting every Sunday” or even “yes, my father in-law really got me into baseball”. He should also not ask questions back. If it’s not about work, I don’t think he should really be talking to her on a personal level. At the end of the day, they are coworkers not friends and should really only talk about work things.


Careless_Welder_4048 t1_jechybz wrote

He should set her straight! “Im starting to get uncomfortable with our conversations now. I am in a loving and healthy marriage. Please refrain from speaking to me unless it’s about work matters.”


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kamjam16 t1_jecmh97 wrote

A lot of people here saying he shouldn’t talk to her about anything besides work, but that’s not practical. Keeping work relationships held back to that degree will be detrimental to his career.

It seems he’s subtly telling her he isn’t interested. If he keeps that up, she’ll lose interest soon enough.


[deleted] OP t1_jebiclp wrote



EggplantOriginal6314 t1_jecllhc wrote

Please every other reddit cheating story is a man in his mid/late thirties snd a 20 something girl. You should be concerned. I would stress he needs to stop it now - it has crossed lines - He needs to be blunt and say - I am happily married and love my wife . We need to only message about work. They don’t need to be buddies at work - Work is for work and polite conversation - not hanging out snd messaging about other things dll day. He needs to go back to being strictly professional and she can have friendship with people her own age outside of work who are not your husband.