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wachenikusemapoa t1_je9ux4s wrote

He could tell her she's beautiful everyday but she would never believe him now. Some things can't be fixed.


ThrowRA_womanpokedex OP t1_je9vz7i wrote

I do tell her every day. She says that she doesn’t believe me because I don’t go out of my way to do the romantic gestures she appreciates because I think they’re cringe.


wachenikusemapoa t1_je9wota wrote

It was very immature of you to "rate" her in the first place let alone tell her about it. And if you're not willing to show her love in the way she appreciates, especially after saying something that makes her feel she's not your top choice, then just let her go. You don't sound like you're willing to put in any effort to show her you care. You're no good for her.


bamboosticks t1_jebaqe2 wrote

If you think they're cringe you're letting society dictate the rules of your relationship, instead of responding to your girlfriend's needs.