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Cheap_Brain t1_jegzg8j wrote

You made some bad decisions, your kids are understandably upset because their whole life has come crashing down around them. Your husband is understandably upset because kids that he loved turned out to not be his. I don’t see any way out of this other than the hard way. Admit to your mistakes, take the consequences on the chin and move forward. If you act maturely now you may be able to save a relationship with your children. You need to step up to the plate and provide for your children. Things are going to be rough.


throwra44s OP t1_jegzw9q wrote

I know. How will I build the bond back with my kids?


Cheap_Brain t1_jeh1gvd wrote

The best that I can suggest is to admit to your mistakes and let them know that you love them. Even when/if they rage at you. Tell them the truth of who their father is. Support them in meeting him if he and they want to.


throwra44s OP t1_jeh2t3j wrote

I’ll do both those things. I think I’ll give a name and show a picture. My eldest might recognise him.
