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DameLizardville t1_jeh0qu3 wrote

“My kids are all very materialistic which is a trait I don’t like in them.”

Except you and they are in this mess because of how materialistic you are.

You can’t “fix” this. But the least you can do is start thinking about your kids’ welfare first. This is one long tale of “woe is me” and I can’t see any compassion for your children whatsoever. Your husband will get over you, hopefully quickly, but your kids are going through hell right now. They’ve lost their Dad, their home, their school, their friends, and their security and safety. They’ve even lost who they thought was their Mom. And all you can do is complain about how it all affects you. It isn’t even about the cheating. Bad as that is, your complete self absorption and lack of regard for your children is horrendous.

Get a job and work out how you’re going to financially support all those kids until they’re all old enough to get far, far, away from you. The very least you have to do, is put a roof over their heads and feed them.