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Alarmed_Jellyfish555 t1_jeh1udf wrote

"My kids are all very materialistic which is a trait I don’t like in them."

Gee, I wonder where they got it from. Could it be from the married woman who was in love with her long-term affair partner/baby daddy, but stayed with her husband and pretended all of the affair partner's kids were her husband's solely to keep living in luxury?

And we're supposed to feel bad for you because after all this you have to...Get an actual job? Fascinating to me how you don't show any remorse for your own actions yet feel so comfortable harshly judging your children. Who, unlike you, are the real victims of this whole mess you made.

This is so far above Reddit's paygrade. Therapy might help. But you sound just like a greedy, self-absorbed, all-around awful person and I don't think therapy can do anything to fix that.