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UnsightlyFuzz t1_jeh3gb6 wrote

Lady, you not only cheated on your husband, but you did it continuously over a period of years and several pregnancies. How can you fix your poor relationships? How about developing some integrity and a sense of what is morally right or wrong?

By the way, public school is free. Enroll them there.

By the way #2, in a lot of jurisdictions, children born to a woman while married are considered legally the responsibility of the husband whether or not he biologically fathered them. Consult a lawyer. You may be able to collect child support on these kids even though they are not your ex's. Of course he won't be thrilled by that; but you need to meet your children's financial needs. You have already failed their emotional needs.


silver25u t1_jeh564m wrote

I assume she’ll get some amount of financial settlement in the divorce if not alimony. I don’t disagree with you concerning child support, but conflicted about it.