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yuko-mo-me t1_jeg6syn wrote

But why would she continue to do that she just got married?


WTF-Hell-No t1_jeg7kw5 wrote

Just because she just got married doesn’t mean she’s happy with it. Some people thrive in destroying other peoples happiness because they are miserable in theirs.


LunaMunaLagoona t1_jegkwvg wrote

It's called having your cake and eating it too.

Go visit r/adultery and you'll see it everywhere.


SonsofStarlord t1_jeguad3 wrote

What a wild fucking place that it is


insomniafog t1_jeh3jvh wrote

Every time I pop over there it blows my mind, then the disgust sinks in and I have to leave.


SonsofStarlord t1_jeh3msv wrote

I got maybe 4 posts down and went yo wtf and left promptly.


Ad-for-you-17 t1_jeh5g68 wrote

> You should have tried out some online or emotional only affairs first. It’s like starting in the minor leagues. That way you can see if you’ll ever make it to the majors. You learn to hide your emotions and be able to tell if the SO is suspicious. If you make it through without incident then by the time you are ready to go physical it’ll be like riding a bike.

Jesus fucking Christ that sun


JesusTron6000 t1_jegw86w wrote

HOLY. SHIT. Lol people never cease to surprise me, good christ


shepherdastra t1_jegfei9 wrote

Has a ring stopped other people from trying to pursue someone? You have morals, she does not.


MrsMurphysCow t1_jegul2h wrote

Trying to seduce your husband has nothing to do with marriage - hers or your husband's. It's all about conquest and winning. If she is successful in getting your husband's attention off you and onto herself, then she wins a new trophy she can display for all the world to see, including her own husband.

Do not assume people have morals. Never assume that because someone is married that they are not also scumbags. This is a competition for her. She is obviously jealous of and threatened by you, and by your relationship with your husband. If she can cause problems between you two, then she feels powerful again.

Since she is a coworker, your husband could file a complaint with HR if her behavior continues. If she is creating a hostile work environment, the company will be required to either remove her from the area your husband works in, or if there are other complaints, remove her from the company completely.

It's nasty little girls like her that make success in the workplace still so difficult for so many women in the 21st Century.


Boysandberries001 t1_jegu6w9 wrote

seems like she may have married for reasons outside of love (sunk cost fallacy, settling, money, etc.) but now she's seeing what she could have had if she'd married someone like your husband she wants him


Gordon_The_Gorrilla t1_jeh03ue wrote

She might not actually want him, just his attention in front of you. It's a power play/fucked up ego boost. In another world she might have shit in your hat. Some people just get a kick out of fucking around others (and not just in the sexy sense)


throwaway7314288 t1_jegza28 wrote

Bc she’s a skank bitch and some ppl just get married bc they feel like that’s what they’re supposed to do. I would have him report her to HR. Tell them she’s making him uncomfortable with inappropriate questions that are also getting directed at his wife during work events.


MooPig48 t1_jeguwvs wrote

Some people marry people they were already miserable with before they were married!

Iknowright? It’s kinda mind blowing


rico_muerte t1_jegxtf0 wrote

Her guy is the best she could do and the natural progression of that relationship was marriage. She obliged but has been wanting your husband this whole time. She's willing to risk it all to have him, watch your back because she's fucking dangerous.


sqeeky_wheelz t1_jegwoyz wrote

She probably only got married because she can’t stand to be alone, not because she loves her husband. Some people are like that unfortunately.


wiseoldangryowl t1_jegxj8q wrote

She liked your husband before she got married and she still likes him now. I'm guessing she'd be more than happy to have an affair and THRILLED if he left you for her


CrypticEmpress t1_jegza5d wrote

Some people just hit the milestones they feel they're expected to.


SomeLadySomewherElse t1_jegzss3 wrote

My sister cheated on husband #1 with husband #2 and then cheated on him with husband #3. The same month they were married she was hiding her ring and changed into a nicer outfit because my boyfriend invited his brother over.


whycomeyounotattoo t1_jeh2zob wrote

some people in relationships just go through the motions of what they think should happen in a relationship at certain time points regardless of what is actually going on in the relationship