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HHIOTF t1_jegdsnb wrote

Show her this post. You need her now more than ever. If you can't say it let her read this.


RevolutionaryHat8988 t1_jegxepv wrote

I’m so sorry this happened to you.

Dad here of age 57.

I love my kids to death and they know they can raise absolutely anything with me.

They also know I’d listen first before talking.

I’m pleased you’ve got somebody that you can talk to, friends and therapist.

I’d possibly say that the easiest way to tell your mum is by just saying “I’ve got something to tell you but I need you to listen and not just react, as I want to talk this through with you and not jump about with emotion and anger”

Then tell her.

Your mum loves you. She will listen to you.

I wish I could be there with you to help you tell her. Again I’m sorry this person did this to you.


Chaosangel48 t1_jegzna9 wrote

Oh sweetie, I am so sorry this happened to you. What a POS he is.

If you can’t speak the words to your mom, then plz do as the other commenters say and show her this post.

And plz consider making a police report, bc he doesn’t deserve to walk away without consequences.

However, if you can’t bring yourself to do that at this time, don’t worry about it. The important thing is to know that it wasn’t your fault, and to make sure that you get the care and support that you need. Find some support either online or in person, and get some counseling if possible.

The symptoms you’re describing are from the trauma, and one way or another, we must deal with it, or it can affect us for a long time.

Sending love and virtual hugs.


uniquorn23 t1_jeh2w6b wrote

I was SA'd as a child and never told anyone about it until a year later. It was my best friend at the time that I told, we were outside playing in the snow at night and I just came clean to her about it because I had to tell someone it happened. She told me I need to tell my parents, I was at my mom's at the time and I told her and then we spoke to my dad. We called the police and they couldn't do anything about it since it was so long ago. My childhood was robbed and he took that away from me and will continue walking free and who knows who else he's done it to. Worst part was his parents thought I was lying and then spread lies to the other neighborhood kids parents so then their kids weren't allowed to play with me anymore. Everyone gave me the cold shoulder because her teen son decided to rape me multiple times. It fucks with me SO bad now that I'm almost 30 and sometimes I wanna die. Please confide in your mom, she's there for you and she will continue being there for you.