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Emotional-Exchange45 OP t1_jefo9b8 wrote

He puts away enough money to cover expenses for the month but that is about it. He does not have any savings unless he is in the process of saving up for something he wants to buy. When we first started dating he had debt but he just payed it off a couple months ago


YourRAResource t1_jefpjc3 wrote

Thanks. That's important context because how does he logically expect to purchase a home if he basically breaks even every month?

When you have the conversation, just be honest and direct. Tell him you're concerned that he's not considering the future at all, and ask him how he expects to be able to achieve future goals if he continues to spend all of his money. Have you two discussed a timeline for achieving these things?

You're right in that it's his money and you can't control how he uses it. But his decisions impact you from a relationship perspective. If he's happy to live as is forever, that's his choice. But you'd need to decide if you're good with that. Good luck.


Emotional-Exchange45 OP t1_jefqgpt wrote

Yes those are probably things I should have included in the post. He said that he would be okay with marrying me when we get a new place to live. A couple months ago we just moved in to a new place which is why I'm now so anxious about it. We both agreed to have kids and a home within the next 5-6 years.

Thank you