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[deleted] t1_jegkkpd wrote


momisacat t1_jegkyd9 wrote

That happens. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you or that she used you. Learn from this and move on. Think about what you really want and be upfront about it with the next person. That's all any of us can do.


[deleted] t1_jegl1np wrote



momisacat t1_jeglsyl wrote

Do you think her intention was to use you for sex? Your OP reads as of that's what you believe.


[deleted] t1_jeglz5v wrote



momisacat t1_jegnr0w wrote

Do you frequently devalue yourself? Do you often think you aren't worthy?


[deleted] t1_jego3yy wrote



momisacat t1_jegprjh wrote

You really need to put some thought into that. It's impossible to have a healthy relationship while feeling like you are lesser. It's a great way to end up clinging to someone you aren't compatible with or even staying with an abuser.


reluctantdonkey t1_jeh21nq wrote

Or.. it's possible that it's not an UNDER assessment of worth and an OVER assessment of sexual prowess?