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Ok-fifi-78 t1_jeevfk0 wrote

So what are you planning now?..For her to leave him so that you so can continue your relationship with the guy?

OP, you are terrible friend.

If she is your best friend as you say, you would immediately tell her that he is playing you both, that he is sleeping with her and also dating you. You both should have then CONFRONT the POS, give him a piece of your mind and drop him, bloke him!.


ThrowRA987654321779 OP t1_jeexwk8 wrote

I just confronted him. He denied everything and said I don’t need a crazy jealous gf. And he blocked me. I’m sure he’s gonna go running to my best friend now because he’s lonely and just wants to fuck around


Ok-fifi-78 t1_jeeyc0n wrote

Then go talk to your best friend and show her all the evidence that he is seeing both of you.

This guy is no good. Already 45 and still a player and using women.

Do all you can to warn your best friend, the rest is up to her.


ThrowRA987654321779 OP t1_jeeyjf1 wrote

I tried warning her again right now in a subtle way that if he wanted to be with her, he would do things different and her response was “you think I’m stupid? I know this isn’t my first rodeo (jokes) and claims that she doesn’t want anything with him other than fun sex


Ok-fifi-78 t1_jeezc66 wrote

Did you tell her that he was seeing you both at the same time?


ThrowRA987654321779 OP t1_jef35dk wrote

No I didn’t. I confronted him that I found out he’s been messing with another girl and he called me crazy and blocked me


AeriePuzzleheaded675 t1_jef4zho wrote

Be more direct with her and if she blows you off, maybe think twice about the state if your friendship with her.