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razzledazzle626 t1_jeenafs wrote

It sounds like you’re holding to him to a standard of specific actions that he doesn’t know are important to you. You need to talk to him about what you want, you can’t expect him to just know that a goodnight text every night is important to you. It sounds like he absolutely does show you his love, just in his way, because there hasn’t been clear communication about how you want to be shown love.

Unless this is actually self sabotage, this is 100% fixable by a simple kind and respectful conversation about getting on the same page of how both of you want to receive love. But please know that the situation isn’t him not giving the same love you are. It’s the two of you giving in different ways.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jeenw00 wrote

So…what has he said when you’ve discussed this?

You sound a lot like my partner and I’m more like your boyfriend. And we are mid 40’s. Like…he left last night to go to our cabin and called this morning just to say good morning and I love you. That’s how he is. It wouldn’t even occur to me if he hadn’t told me years ago that he wants us to do good morning/Goodnight when we aren’t together. So he communicated that to me and before we lived together, I literally set an alarm on my phone so I’d remember to do that.

Same with the texts. I only check texts a couple times a day. I have notifications turned off because I find it really distracting when I’m trying to work. In this case, my partner has adapted to me and knows that if it’s emergent/urgent, he should call. Else I’ll reply to texts when I’m taking a break.

I think you just need to communicate what you want/need.


Creative_Recover t1_jeetdl3 wrote

You need to communicate these thoughts to him and meet half-way more in your love languages (for example he hugs & kisses you more whilst you put some effort into gift giving Etc). And make time for each other! Go on some dates.

Re: depression. You should really go get that diagnosed, especially if you suspect that this has been going on since childhood. You could have clinical depression and if so, this can be easily cured/countered with medication. Don't put up with health issues any longer than you have to, this depression is also likely negatively exacerbating issues in your self esteem and relationship.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jeetyd7 wrote

You’ve gotta use your words babe. You have to ask for what you want. Very few people have psychic abilities. But most people will adjust their behavior for someone they love if they know precisely what is expected.

He sounds like a sweetheart and I’m sure if he knows what you want he will try.


UsuallyWrite2 t1_jeevii7 wrote

Yeah. Sounds like he’s burning the candle at both ends and just konks out when he has a moment to rest.

I am not a particularly romantic or emotional person. I’m an engineer. That might be a reason, it’s not an excuse. But seriously, I just don’t think about some of these things. I love my partner very much and he’s a wonderful human. But like when he called this morning? My first thought was “oh no, something is wrong!” Because in my mind, why would he call if there wasn’t a problem or he forgot some gear I need to bring up tomorrow. LOL I’m more of a functional/efficient communicator where I reach out when I need something, not “just because”.

People are people-y. We are all different. In a healthy relationship though, we ask for what we want and we get to give what our partner needs. We are all works in progress!

Good luck!


Medium_Sense4354 t1_jef1roq wrote

Honestly you kind of remind me of my bf. It turned out he was really upset I never say good morning first but he never vocalized how important it was. Can you let your bf know what’s really important to you?


cocacolaxoxo t1_jefzh8e wrote

My husband and I actually went through a couples training on this topic once as part of an “Adventure Challenge.”

The challenge asked us to both complete the Love Language survey to know for sure what our own love languages were.

After we completed the quiz, we shared the results with each other.

From there, we had to work together to come up with 3 ways that we could show our partner love through their love language instead of our own - 3 ways that we could agree would be nice to do.

For example, I’m all about words of affirmation, but my husband has a hard time with this. We learned that he is actually pretty good at using post-it notes to share that he loves me. So he will randomly sneak a post-it note with a cute message in my pocket when he’s ironing my work clothes or put a post-it on the bathroom mirror before bed so that I see it in the morning.

He’s all about quality time spent together, so I’ve agreed to prioritize happy hours at work where I’m allowed to invite him - he gets to spend time with my coworkers and me in a social setting which makes him happy. Note that I used to just ignore the happy hours and work through 6pm. So now, taking a break at 4:30pm to enjoy a couple social hours with my husband and friends is a big change for me, but one I gladly make because it aligns to his love language.

Maybe try that challenge with your boyfriend so that he also feels like you are also improving your love language for him, too? Less one-sided that way and you both get something out of it in the end!