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WildlyUninteresting t1_jeeq67u wrote

You should ask her why she feels so insecure? Why doesn’t she feel trust with you?


Jorjaislove OP t1_jeeqmoo wrote

I've done that and she says that she doesn't know, I've been insistent as well but I always get the same answer "I just don't know okay?"


WildlyUninteresting t1_jeexube wrote

Can you feel comfortable with someone that doesn't trust you and doesn't know themselves?

It's one issue for her to feel insecure but without her own personal drive to figure herself out and overcome those fears. They just become growing issues to you.

This has nowhere good to go, for you or her.

What's the point in her dating someone she doesn't trust? (Because that's ultimately the case.)

IDK in this case, is just avoidance without resolution.